Bible Study & Worship

We believe that Acts 2:42 depicts how the people of God interacted with one another in the early church. Worship is central to all we do as a church body. We believe worship is a celebration of God and an act of our submission to Him.


9:30 AM Sunday School

Nursery: Newborn – 18 months; 19months – 36 months; 3 and 4 years old

Children & Youth: 5 years to 1st grade; Grades 2-3; Grades 4 - 6 Boys; Grades 4 - 6 Girls; Grades 7 – 12

Adults: Faith; Sowers; Agape; Fellowship; Friendship; Servant's Heart; Believers; Titus 2

10:45 AM Morning Worship

On Sunday mornings we gather as a church body in the sanctuary for a time of worship including bible teaching, prayer and music. Music is led by the praise team with adult choir, and a worship band. Youth and children’s choirs also provide music at times during our corporate worship.


10:45 AM Children's Church

During Sunday morning worship, children may participate in Children’s Church where they are taught from God’s Word through reading, storytelling, and crafts. Children’s Church is optional as some parents may prefer for children to remain in the adult worship service.

6:30 PM Evening Service

The Sunday evening service in the sanctuary is a time of studying God’s word, praying and worshiping together through song.


6:30 PM Evening Bible Study

On Wednesdays during the school year, we gather as small groups in members’ homes as a way to foster closer relationships with Christ and one another in an authentic way. We study God’s Word together, share each other’s burdens, and seek to serve together. Please let us know if you would like to be involved in a home group. On Wednesday evenings during the summer months, we meet at church to all study the Bible together.