For unto us is born a Savior! We look forward to celebrating the arrival of King Jesus together this December.
Sunday Weekly Worship : We will continue to have Sunday morning services at 9:00 and 10:45 (nursery provided at 9:00). If you have not been attending in-person and would like to, please speak with one of our pastors. We are glad to answer questions as we look to maintain safe precautions for those attending in-person.
Lottie Moon Sunday, December 6 : With a goal of $23,000, may we generously give in support of IMB missionaries taking the good news of Jesus around the world. You can give in support of the Lottie Moon Christmas offering throughout December.
Wednesday Nights in December (Dec 2, 9, and 16 at 6:30pm) : Join us for these church-wide worship services as we sing Christmas carols and study characters from the Christmas Story in the sanctuary. The services will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Nursery provided for ages 3 and younger.
Youth Christmas Party : Sunday December 6th at 12pm. Fellowship Hall. Bring a $5 wrapped gift
Children’s Outdoor Nerf Battle: Sunday December 6, 3pm until dark We will have a variety of battles so bring your Nerf Gun and we’ll have fun outside (weather permitting) until it gets dark.